A day in Valdepeñas de Jaen

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Molino museo de harina de Valdepeñas de Jaen


Guide for a One-Day Visit to Valdepeñas de Jaén: Discovering its Hermitage, Flour Mill, and the Chorreras del Río Vadillo

Valdepeñas de Jaén is a charming village nestled in the heart of the Sierra Sur de Jaén, surrounded by mountains and just a 30-minute drive from El Jardín de Castillo. If you’re looking for a getaway that combines nature, history, and tradition, this is the perfect destination for you.

How to Get There

The journey from El Jardín de Castillo to Valdepeñas de Jaén is an experience in itself. As you head towards the source of the San Juan River, you’ll drive along a mountain road that allows you to admire and enjoy the scenery and tranquility of the place. It’s a route that invites reflection and a connection with nature, perfectly aligning with our philosophy of slow life and personal well-being.

Traditional Breakfast

We recommend starting your day early and having breakfast at one of the traditional bars on the main street of Valdepeñas de Jaén. Here you can savor local delicacies and energize yourself for the day ahead.

Visit to the Flour Mill

A highlight of your visit should be the flour mill of Valdepeñas de Jaén. This mill, dating back to the Muslim era and renovated during the Industrial Revolution, is in perfect condition thanks to the efforts of Serafín and his family. You’ll see the mill in operation, a unique experience that will transport you back in time. Remember that a reservation is required in advance, and at El Jardín de Castillo, we’ll be happy to help you arrange it.


Molino museo de harina de Valdepeñas de Jaen

Chircales Hermitage

After visiting the mill, we recommend heading to the Chircales Hermitage, located outside the village following the mill path. This place has a special magic, with a small hermitage housing a painting of Jesus on the Cross surrounded by the Virgin Mary and Saint John the Evangelist, revered by the local community. Next to the hermitage, you’ll find the cave of a hermit, reflecting the rich tradition of contemplative life in the area. Entry is free, and there is a button to open the doors. We ask for your utmost respect during your visit.

Cristo de Chircales en Valdepeñas de Jáen

Lunch at El Quejigo del Carbón

When it’s time to recharge, we suggest dining at the El Quejigo del Carbón restaurant. Situated atop a hill, this restaurant features a modern and beautiful dining room and several terraces with stunning views. The food is excellent and will not disappoint. Additionally, you can check this link to discover other places to eat in Valdepeñas de Jaén.

Walk by the Chorreras del Río Vadillo

After lunch, a nature walk is ideal for relaxation. We recommend visiting the Chorreras del Río Vadillo. This path is easy and undemanding, and if you visit in the spring after a rainy season, the natural spectacle is impressive.

Return to Castillo de Locubín

At the end of your day, return to Castillo de Locubín to rest and enjoy dinner at one of the local establishments. Reflect on your day in Valdepeñas de Jaén, a place where nature and history meet, and where every corner tells a story.

Philosophy of El Jardín de Castillo

At El Jardín de Castillo, we promote a lifestyle based on calmness, slow living, and reconnecting with nature and traditions. We believe that every trip should be an opportunity to disconnect from daily stress and reconnect with the essentials. By exploring places like Valdepeñas de Jaén, you not only enjoy its natural beauty but also immerse yourself in an experience of personal well-being and discovery.